Want to book Personal Ad in Other Newspapers?
Why place Personal Ad in Arthik Lipi Newspaper ?
Releasing a personal classified text ad in a newspaper of your choice has been simplified by ReleaseMyAd-India’s largest online newspaper ad booking service, in just 3 easy steps:
- The booking of your ad begins with the selection of the ad type as classified text which takes you to the page where you can select your advertisement category as ‘Personal’. Under this category several sub categories such as Greetings & Celebrations, Messages, Wedding Invitations etc, so that your ad reaches out to the appropriate audiences.
- The composition of your text ad decides the kind of response you will be receiving for your personal message. We have compiled essential enhancements like background colors, ticks, underlining etc. in order to help you create a distinctive personal text classified. The best part about composing an ad through ReleaseMyAd is that you can preview your ad before releasing it on our Live Preview Ad Feature.
- In the end to make sure that you receive an email confirmation with all your booking details, do not forget to confirm your release dates and finally clear your payments.
Releasing a personal Classified display ad in a newspaper of your choice has been simplified by ReleaseMyAd-India’s largest online newspaper ad booking service, in just 3 easy steps:
- As soon as you come onto the ReleaseMyAd website the first step to book your ad is to select the ad type as Classified Display, after which you will be taken to the page where you can choose your category as Personal to move forward with composition of your ad.
- The ‘Compose Ad’ page of ReleaseMyAd is one of the most interesting pages and brings out the creativity in you while you compose a simple classified ad. You can choose from a range of our pre designed templates, change or modify the background colors of the ad, format the text style as well as size and review your ad to get an idea about how your ad will appear in the newspaper with our Live Preview Ad Feature.
- You know you are done with your booking as soon as you come to the ‘Make Payment’ page where you must confirm the release dates of your ad and clear the payment via our Online (Credit/Debit Cards & Net Banking) or Offline (Cash Collection, Demand Draft and Cheque deposits) payment mediums as per your convenience.
Arthik Lipi is circulated around the following locations :
Booking Process
How To Compose Your Personal Ad In Arthik Lipi To Get Maximum Response ?
Personal ads are in fact very similar to regular classified ads, but these are much more personal. When people want to reach out to others on a more personal level, such as a congratulatory message or a birthday wish they use these ads. Here is why you should book your personal ads in newspapers:
Making an Announcement
- People use personal ads to make an announcement about themselves or a life event, such as an engagement or the birth of a baby in the family.
Conveying Good Wishes
- Personal ads help people convey their good wishes to their near and dear ones for their birthdays, anniversaries or to congratulate someone on their achievements.
Reaching Out to People
- People can reach out to a wider audience on a more personal level through personal advertisements in newspapers.
Channel for Socialising
- Sometimes, people seek to make friends through personal ads where they provide some basic information about themselves and their contact numbers or email addresses.
Wide Coverage of Newspapers
- In India, newspapers are widely read by people across the length and breadth of the country, in cities and in villages. Newspapers are read by people from all walks of life.
Increasing the appeal of your ad is the key to increase responses while keeping it simple at the same time.